They were the good old days when men used to be men. People never used to work their minds too much, and got flattered easily. One such man was emperor Akbar. A man spent the whole night in the palace lake. When Akbar asked him, did he not feel cold.. the man replied that the little light from the palace gave him all the warmth he needed. While that flattered the simpleton in Akbar, there was someone around to drive some sense into the emperor. He bunked the courtroom that day, calling in sick(no phones back then, must have sent a messenger). So Akbar went himself to visit dear friend Birbal. There was Birbal lying on the bed, and a pot hanging on top of him. Confused Mr. Akbar scratched his head and asked,"Dude, whats with that pot hanging over you?" And Birbal replied, "that's the khichri the doc prescribed". He went on to say, "if your palace light can keep that man in th pool warm, then the fever in my body can cook the khichri". And, that's exactly what I would say about this attempt of keeping this chinese curry warm. So that my friends, is Birbal ki khichri.

Or you might say Birbal ke chinese.