Wednesday, January 09, 2008


2 Women molested on new year's eve in Mumbai and the Police chief was in with some inspirational words:

He termed it "just an offence", and asked the media not to "blow the case out of proportion", adding that TV channels and newspapers were "itching for something like this to happen."

add to that..
"I cannot post a cop to police every man in the city. These things can happen anywhere, even right here where we are,"
Terrorists attack Indian Army barracks and the police official in charge says: "Sometimes they succeed, as sometimes we do."
Ultimately, I feel, the failure at work isn't as incredible as is the attitude itself! An attitude that is so accommodating of failure! These incidents took place in two different parts of the country and we all know this attitude isn't limited to cops alone. All we ought to ask ourselves is, WHERE IS THE PRIDE?