Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Bewildered by crazy concerns about the earth eating black hole I thought does the universe actually end? Certainly it does if it has a beginning. The point is.. how sure are we of a beginning? Retracing the expanding universe to a tiny unity is one thing, but looking beyond this extrapolated time line i feel a perpetual machine is a logical possibility. A universe where the cycles of expansion and collapse are more or less sinusoidal.

The very thought of a perpetual universe amazingly reminds me of something I thought of when I was a toddler. As a lil kid who didn't quite know of something called death, I very conveniently explained immortality to myself. I used to be up to all mischievous things and when stopped by my parents i would yell back that when I grow up.. all of you will become little and then, I'll boss over you!!

As illogical as it may sound, I feel that's the most natural conclusion for anything perpetual. Conceiving the notion of a perpetual universe, i feel would indeed throw a very different light on.. everything (and would certainly prove Einstein's wronged theory right!). Hypothetical as it sounds now, an unending universe for me is a signal that existence can indeed be sustainable. That all beautiful things are not doomed. That life in fact can be immortal!

Come to think of it, immortality of humans or that of life in general, is neither illogical nor immoral. If mass and energy together can be indestructible so can life. Again just like them life'll have to change forms. Yes the world as we know it will come to an end. It happens everyday to many people.. but life goes on. A belief in this perpetuity might give a new more moral question to humanity in general and to astrophysics in particular. The question of what we want the universe to be rather than what Universe has in store for us..

By the way the CERN experiment is not about a perpetual universe, and certainly not about immortality. Its just gonna checkout the conditions immediately after big bang.. (if at all there was a bang)