Saturday, January 02, 2010


Saw this first at the DU station. Now we have this spawning to other metro stations. Cycle rentals at stations could be the ultimate answere to the ultimate excuse for not using public transit systems: covering the last mile. Like many other ideas, Delhi has borrowed it from other cities. We borrowed the BRT from some latin american metropolis, and cycle rentals comes from some Paris. For me its a great green idea imported from a city that has gone significantly green in super healthy ways modern Europe has come to adopt. I hope we Delhiits too take to this trend quickly, and i'm optimistic as well. Not because we guys love to ditch the comfort of our cars for the sake of the planet, but simply because we love to 'get with it' whenever it comes to trends that are perceived as cool. From what I saw at DU, these cycles were a hit. But one could also say as a counter argument, that it's a student population, a species Delhi lacks when compared to other cities like B'lore or Chennai. And Delhi's largely family crowd ain't getting out of their cars no matter what. I'd like to believe in the former argument and would love to travel on bikes n rails whenever possible no matter which way Delhi swings. My only request of my brothers out there is, not thug these cycles from the parking please.. :D