Thursday, April 16, 2009


BJP poll symbol is actually an apt symbol of every Indian. We all specialize in creating wonderful and colorful lives in the middle of the worst crap. That's precisely been the functional motto of the BJP for the longest time. They might have many communal agendas which can easily be passed as BJP's prime motto, but as a voter I feel the only functional purpose of BJP is to rid the nation of the 'specta(se)cular procrastination' that we have been infected with ever since we got rid of the queen's rule. Some call the event as Independence.

BJP's the only anti-procrastination and pro-growth party today. The reason why it has in its league people with rather disturbing comunal ajendas is simple and apparent to any sensible mind. If you've gotto beat Congress at its own game of devide and rule, you have to have your own votebanks. Precisely the reason for the video being posted at the end of the post. The cause is our own ignorence of our own independence. The day the masses of India understand that, 'their government is not a king who should be kind to them (as the Congress ka haath seems to sybolize), but merely an orchestrator of a social framefork, which we then, as free men, have to use for our collective and individual growth', that day all parties have to choose between existence and votebank politics.

So you want to be the one who makes the difference, out of the crap and into the bloom? You have to vote for that Lotus gang, yes, the same gang to which that godforsaken Pramod Muthalikh and co. belong. My friends, its sad but true..


Shabbir Hussain said...
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Shabbir Hussain said...

Get the saffron out of BJP, and I will vote for it.